2 lb Spray Foam Insulation R Value
Spray Foam Insulation Winnipeg

2 lb Spray Foam Insulation R Value

Insulthane Extreme is a 2lb spray foam insulation used by Cold Country Spray Foam and other spray foam contractors because it has a low global warming impact and acts as a vapour barrier if applied at a thickness of 2 inches or greater. With an r-value (the capacity of an insulating material to resist heat flow) of R-6.5 to R-7 per inch (depending on the thickness applied), 2 lb spray foam provides the highest available R-value per inch compared to other spray foam systems. We are going to discuss why 2 lb spray foam insulation r value diminishes over time in the remainder of the article.

2 lb Spray Foam Insulation Increases Racking Strength

2 lb spray foam insulation increases the racking strength of the building its applied to by up to 300%, which means it increases the capability of the building its applied to to uphold its shape when resisting wind loads.

LTTR (Long Term Thermal Rating) and Blowing Agents

2 lb spray foam relies on a captive blowing agent that lies in the closed cells of the product to achieve a higher r-value. As a fraction of this blowing agent escapes the spray foam insulation material as time goes on, it is replaced by gases forming in the atmosphere (air).

Considering the effect that blowing agents have on the r value of 2 lb spray foam, the initial r-values for most spray foams are around R-6.5 to 7 per inch, but will diminish due to the release of an HFC (hydrofluorocarbons) blowing agent, as well as an HFO (hydrofluoroolefin) blowing agent.

No More HFCs in Canada

As of January 1st of 2021, Canada no longer allows the use, importation or manufacturing of HFC blowing agents. However, it can be confusing and misleading to clients when an insulation contractor does not disclose that an HFO blowing agent reacts the same way as an HFC blowing agent in regards to the reduction in r-value (as a selling point). This is entirely misrepresentative of the r-value of 2 lb spray foam insulation and how important understanding what a LTTR is for clients.

What is an LTTR?

A LTTR is a rating system used to see how insulation performs in the long term. Most standard testing is for the R-Value immediately after it is installed. Ask what the LTTR is-this will give you a true value of the spray foam insulation that you are installing in your project may it be a house, or building.

2 lb Spray Foam R Value

This article depicts why all medium density spray foams (2 lb spray foams) will never result in a higher r-value than R-6 per inch, no matter what “that other” spray foam contractor or installer might’ve told you and that is why you should do your research well before picking the cheapest quote.

Contact Cold Country Spray Foam to Speak to One of Our Insulation Specialists Today

We are a small, Canadian, family-run business that provides professional consultations, sales and application towards polyurethane spray foam insulation, blown-in cellulose attic insulation and insulation removal all over Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario.

Please fill out our online estimate request form to get a free spray foam insulation, blown in insulation or insulation removal quote today!